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Contoh Breakfast Conversation


W/W    : Good morning Sir/Madam, welcome to Inna Sindu Beach Restaurant

Guest   : Yes good morning and thank you

W/W    : May I help you please?

Guest   : Yes, I would like to have breakfast.

W/W    : Excuse me Sir/Madam, Do you have reservation?

Guest   : No, I have no reservation

W/W    : Excuse me, how many people all of you?

Guest   : Only for 2 peoples please

W/W    : Coming please and follow me please!

Guest   : Thank you very much

(Show guest to the table)

W/W    : Sit down please

Guest   : Thank you

W/W    : Excuse me Sir/Madam, may lying the napkin please

Guest   : Of Course

W/W    : Excuse me Sir/Madam, this is menu for you

Guest   : Thank you

(after guest read the menu)

W/W    : Excuse me, are you ready to order for your breakfast?

Guest   : Yes of course

W/W    : What would you like to have for your breakfast?

Guest   : Yes, I would like to order 2 American breakfast with

-          1 scramble egg

-          1 fried edd

-          2 mix juices

-          2 toast with butter and jam

-          And 2 coffee with milk

W/W    : Excuse me Sir/Madam, may I repeat your order please?

Guest   : Yes please

W/W    : Your order is 2 American Breakfast with

-          1 scramble egg

-          1 fried edd

-          2 mix juices

-          2 toast with butter and jam

-          And 2 coffee with milk,

It is all right Sir/Madam?

Guest   : Yes all right

W/W    : And anything else again?

Guest   : No, Thank you

W/W    : Ok thank you for your order and waiting for 20 minutes for your order

Guest   : Thank you very much

(after the food is ready)

W/W    : Excuse me Sir/Madam, this is your breakfast.

Guest   : Thank you very much

W/W    : Have enjoyed your breakfast

Guest   : Yes, I will

(after the guest finish)

W/W    : Excuse me, are you finish?

Guest   : Yes, I am finish

W/W    : May I clear up please?

Guest   : Yes, please

W/W    : Anything else again?

Guest   : No, thank you, and may I have the bill please

W/W    : Yes, wait a moment please, this is your bill, could you please check again

Guest   : Thank you

W/W    : The total bill is Rp. 432.000

Guest   : May I pay by cash please,

W/W    : Yes please

Guest   : Here you are and please keep the changes

W/W    : Ok, thank you very much to having breakfast at our Restaurant

Guest   : You are wellcome, thank you and good bye

W/W    : Thank you and good bye too.

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